But those doesn't matter at all if you make your own juices at home, and u prepare the fruits and vegetables yourself (u can add milk, honey, etc. if u want)
yes, when I have chance to come home, my mom always supply my family with fruits and vegetables, I drink 2 glasses vegetables juice in the morning, and 2 glasses fruits juice in the evening.

I suggest that lifestyle to u, trust me it works for your body and soul, also one of the greatest asset to have your body healthy when u grow old later, many diseases will avoid you, cos fruits and vegetables are contain great vitamins, minerals, antioxidant, some also contain antivirus, anti cancer (also can neutralize cancer sell), etc.
so you better start it from now before it's too late.
For information, all berries are the most awesome fruits, including strawberry, the number one is blackberry. One black berry equal to ten apples antioxidant
now, I exert looking for blackberry to eat it everyday :D
i know i know...
health is the most expensive thing in the world...right?
so...u have to keep your own health then...
i am waiting for the berries...
Errrmm..kyknya mendingan bikin juice ndiri deh...Dipakein madu/gula aren..hhmm...yummy...Soalnya klo bli di luar, pasti krg bervitamin! Skrg gw jg lg program perbaikan gizi nih..Huahuahau
Yep...blog u yg ini insiparitif!!!
Besok2, kasi resep juisce yg enak juga donk..wkkwkwkw
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